19th Century Canadian Fakebook Page

Library Catalogue

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Encyclopedia Britannica Online


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World Book Online


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Ebsco Host


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Canadian Encyclopedia


Dictionary of Canadian Biography


Encyclopedia of British Columbia



1. Click Use this Template https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1y_QpDEFDajDcHieWc9jQTg9Cz3wkJy9iTusz226igOg/copy

2. Once it opens Click on the Title (Copy of 19 Century Canadian Fakebook).

Change it to (Your Name, Your Canadian's Name Fakebook).

DON'T delete all of the info there. It's acting as a placeholder for your info as you get it.

3. In the upper right hand corner of the Presentation page Click SHARE.

Click Specific People. Save.

Enter your teacher's email address

It's actually a presentation, not a webpage, with 4 Slides:

1. Wall/Homepage;

2. Info Page;

3. Photos Page;

4. Videos page.

4. Research your Canadian (Check out the Resources listed below)

Make sure you include:

a. background info

b. education and training

c. significant accomplishments

d. significant failures

e. contributions to BC and BC history

f. entertaining/humorous details

5. Requirements for the Fakebook:

1. Wall/Homepage

1. Picture/Image of your 19th Century Canadian to use as profile photo.

2. Pictures/Images of 4 other people involved in the life of your Canadian

3. Date of Birth of your Canadian.

4. Hometown/Place of Birth for your Canadian.

5. Network - places where they lived.

6. Religion.

7. A total of 6 or more posts on their "wall" which relate to their discoveries, accomplishments or research.

Some of the posts should be made by your Canadian, some by other people your Canadian has interacted with

2. Info Page

1. Sex of your Canadian.

2. Relationship status.

3. Interests - list at least 3 things.

4. Activities - List some of his/her accomplishments.

5. Favourite Music, Books must be date/era appropriate.

3. Photos Page

1. At least 5 pictures/Images related to your Canadian and his/her life/accomplishments.

4. Videos page

1. 3 videos related to your Canadian or his/her accomplishments.

List of 19th Century Canadians

George Cartier Richard Blanshard

John A Macdonald “Gassy” Jack Deighton

George Brown Richard Moody

Louis Riel Emily Carr

Gabriel Dumont Amor de Cosmos (William Smith)

Chief Poundmaker Amelia Douglas

Thomas Scott Alexander Mackenzie

John Shultz James Douglas

James Cook

George Vancouver