Outdoor Ed

Outdoor Core- skills, concepts and attitudes necessary for safe travel

Trip planning

Equipment selection and maintenance (clothing, footwear, rain gear, stoves and fuel types, tents, sleeping bags, back packs, tarps)

Safety, hazard recognition (terrains and wildlife).

First aid (CPR, hypothermia, frost bite, dehydration, heat stroke and treatment of minor injuries)

Food planning and preparation


Navigation - map and compass use, GPS, route planning

Emergency training and survival

Fire building

Skills- fire building, tarp set up, knots, packing a pack, using a stove.

We will work toward application of the above into day and overnight trips that may include:

  • Bird Watching

  • Hikes

  • Orienteering

  • Backpacking

  • Tree and plant identification )ecosystem studies)

  • Boating

Personal and Group Development

  • Team building

  • Leadership

  • Goal setting

  • Students will plan and lead out trips

Environmental Core

Awareness of environment through direct observations and journals

Ecology - study of biomes, biogeoclimatic zones, local ecosystems, biodiversity in BC.

Species identification - birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, trees and other plants common in local ecosystems.

Geological formations, rocks and minerals of BC.

Plate Techtonics.

Sun and moon influences on Earth

Weather and cloud formations

Natural changes in ecosystems

Human caused changes to ecosystems

Minimum impact outdoor living and travelling skills

Knowledge of local parks and trails

Environmental service project

Environmental issues