French 8

Memory Verses

Jésus lui dit, Je suis le chemin, la véritié et la vie. Nul ne vient au Père que par moi.

Jean 14:6

Demandez et l’on vous donnera. Cherchez et vous trouverez. Frappez et l’on vous ouvriria.

Mathieu 7:7

Le fruit de l’esprit c’est, l’amour, la joie, la paix, la patience, la gentillesse, la bonté, la fidélité, la maitrise de soi.

Galates 5:22-23

Jésus leur dit: Je suis le pain de vie. Celui qui vient à moi n’aura jamais faim. Celui que croit en moi n’aura jamais soif.

Jean 6:35

The Verb Être

je suis

tu es

il/elle est

nous sommes

vous êtes

ils/elles sont

Une Journée Typique Example

Le Monde Francophone


World Book Decouvert

Username: pcslibrary

Password: the usual one - ask your teacher or Mrs. Watts

Encyclopedia Britannica Online

Username: pcslibrary2

The password is the usual one.

Global Issues in Context

Username: pcslibrary

Password: the usual one - ask your Librarian.


Country Information Sources

CIA World Fact Book Sydney Bristow, look out!

International Human Development Indicators

Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, Country Profiles

Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, Country Studies

Encyclopedia of the Nations Ignore the .com's and scroll to the info.

Portals to the World Excellent Portal site from Library of Congress

Fact Monster Click on the country

Countries A to Z from Altapedia

Nations Online Countries from A to Z

Franophone Countries Explains institutional francophonie and cultural

Country Studies Excellent resource by the LOC

World Almanac Click in the LIME GREEN

UN Country at a glance Click on World map for country

BBC News Country Profiles

Countries of the World From Info Please

Geographic. Org Scroll down for an alphabetical Listing

Background Notes Search by country

World Atlas Click on the map for your country

Countries of the World Geopolitical, cultural & tourist information.

Picture Story Assignment

The purpose of this project is to give you a chance to practice using all the new French that you have learned.

You could say I want you to “show off” what you can say in French now.

You should be using the new reflexive verbs as well as some of the new vocabulary.


Make an illustrated story (en français) about Une Journée Typique

Option 1. A cartoon/illustrated book. (using clip art or hand drawings)

Option 2. A power point presentation using Google Docs

YOU WILL NEED A Gmail account!

Here is a check list, make sure that you include all of the following:

  • at least 10 pages

  • 1 or 2 complete sentences on each page.

  • a graphic or picture on each page.

  • at least 7 reflexive verbs

  • at least 5 other “er” verbs

  • use “je”, but also include one other pronoun (ex. nous, ils, etc,)

  • use être at least once. (Je suis…)

  • use 2 of the following “en avance, à l’heure, en retard”

  • include time with some of your sentences. ( à 8h00)

A Votre Santé

Study Stack:

Milroy Fr8 Santé - PCS Fr8 Milroy A Votre Santé Vocab Review


Fr8 Magasineurs - PCS Fr8 Milroy Magasineurs Review

MagasineurImperatif - PCS FR8 Milroy Magasineur Imperatif