
101 Electronics


EWaste Dumpng Ground


Electronic Device Assignment

Create a poster to provide a creative summary of the following electronic device:

1.Who invented the device? Does this person receive any special recognition? Give a time line if the invention occurred over a significant period of time.

2.Why was the invention of this device significant?

3.What does this device look like today on most circuit boards? Include a nice large diagram labeling all the parts.

4.What does this device do in an electronic circuit? Try to explain its operation briefly.

5.How is it made? Are there any special materials that are used?

6.How has this device changed the electronics industry?

7.What other components are used along with this device?

8.Find a circuit board with this device on it and have it attached to your poster, clearly labeling the device.

9.Are there any safety concerns associated with using this device?

10.Are the materials harmful to the environment in any way?


Bob Blick Projects for Students and Hobbyists

Electronics Club (Christmas Decoration Project)

The Wonderful World of Electronics (Simple FM transmitter with a single transistor)

Electronics 123

Think Geek

(Flashing Sweeetheart Kit)

Seattle Robotics

Really basic electronics related to robotics


Basic Electronics

Basic information about electronic circuits


A great place to start

Design Electronics

Free access on-line textbook

Bill's Electronics Reference Page

Lots of links to very good sites

101 Electronics

Everything Electronics!

Electronics Books in the Library

003.5 BRA

Braga, Newton C. Bionics for the evil genius : 25

build-it-yourself projects. New York : McGraw-Hill, c2006.

Presents a collection of twenty-five step-by-step projects

that introduce bionics, providing illustrations on how life

forms can be enhanced with mechanical and electrical

components, and including an electric fish, a bat ear, a lie

detector, an electronic nerve stimulator, and more.

621 381 HOR

Horn, Delton T. Basic electronics theory--with projects &

experiments. 2nd ed. Blue Ridge Summit, PA : TAB Books,


621.3 GIB

Gibilisco, Stan. Electricity demystified. New York :

McGraw-Hill, c2005. Presents a self-teaching guide to

understanding the basics of electricity providing

instruction on solving circuit problems, calculating

voltage, and discovering how magnetic levitation works and

includes quizzes and a seventy-question final exam.

621.3 WIL

Wilson, J.A. "Sam". Learning electricity and electronics through experiments. McGraw-Hill.

621.381 IAN

Iannini, Robert E. Electronic gadgets for the evil genius. New

York : McGraw-Hill, c2004. Contains illustrated

instructions and schematics for twenty-eight

easy-to-construct electronic gadgets and describes the

science and math behind each one and lists of materials and


621.381 LAW

Electronics: Principles and Applications.

629.892 PRE

Predko, Michael. 123 robotics experiments for the evil genius.

New York : McGraw-Hill, c2004. Contains 123 experiments

designed to help people develop a solid grounding in

robotics, electronics, and programming while creating simple

robots and models.